The picture in the caption is my high school graduation.
The little person I’m holding in my arms is my eldest son.
I was 16 years old when I became pregnant with him, and I have never regretted this life-changing decision to give him his life.
My son was born at 31 weeks around the same gestational age that people are killing some preborn children.
God used this young man to save my life.
He was born healthy at 4lbs 6ozs,
19 inches, with no issues whatsoever.
I graduated high school at 17 years old and started college that same year.
I have faced a lot of challenges but overcame each one by the grace and favor of God.
Despite growing up in an economically disadvantaged household, this young woman from Brooklyn, NY, pressed through hard times to accomplish her goals.
I have a clinical doctorate degree today and I’m helping men, women, and children heal from diseases.
I never had to sacrifice my son’s life to become the woman that I am today.
If you are a woman who is facing a crisis pregnancy and do not know what to do about your baby, please contact me or a pro-life agency that will help you make the right decision for you and your baby.
You do not have to kill your baby to be successful like the pro-abortion movement is telling you to do. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens and empowers you.
Give your baby an opportunity to live his or her life.
If you have a similar inspirational testimony please share in the comment section below.
Pro-life is pro-woman